Gunbrella game has two parts: The gun and the umbrella

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Nintendo’s latest Indie World showcase had a few standout games, but only one of them had the guts to combine a gun with an umbrella. That game is Gunbrella. It is from developer Doinksoft and publisher Devolver Digital and launches in 2023. It uses a noir-punk setting with stylized 2D visuals.

As the name suggests, you play as a character whose primarily interacts with the world through the use of a gunbrella. This means shooting enemies, of course. But it also means air-dashing, gliding, and zip-lining.

The game also does an excellent job of utilizing 2D visual tricks. Doinksoft packed the trailer full of screen shake and kinetic scenes. One particularly striking set-piece included a speeding train that players must run on top of. Another included a gigantic rat boss that looked like several 2D sprites that the dev stitched together. That creates an eerie look that makes the rat look even creepier.

While Nintendo and its third-party partners often release Indie World games quickly after their debut, you’ll have to wait for this one. Gunbrella isn’t coming until next year. And who knows, we could all have gunbrellas by then!

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